Friday, April 12, 2013

Foursquare iOS update - version 6.0 compared with version 5.5.1 - #LetsTalkTech

Hey fellas, Let's Talk Tech.

What will I be talking about in here on Let's Talk Tech ? 
I will talk about Technology and stuff happening around in that part of the universe.

I have been using Foursquare app for the past two years and thats one of the few apps that I use everyday.
As known everyone now, Foursquare released their updated version 6.0 on April 10, 2013.
Here are a small comparisons between version 5.5.1 and version 6.0 using some screenshots.

Version 5.5.1

The above shown screenshot is from the previous version 5.5.1 which layout with navigation buttons all in the same main screen. I found this similar to the twitter app, which had some majorly vital buttons on the bottom. 

Version 6.0

The above screenshot is from the latest update, version 6.0. It clearly shows they gave a dedicated page for the user's profile instead of a common main page for the app. This major layout transformation was implemented with the idea of slide screen layout, which we are familiar from the facebook app. 

Version 6.0
Version 5.5.0

The new update clearly shows many obvious changes in the button layouts like, 
  • The Checkin button
  • The notification button
  • The Explore Nearby button and 
  • The list of options from the slide layout (shown below) 
They have come up with a Home, Profile, List, Find friends and settings buttons layout which is not unique from apps of other social media organizations.

It is understandable that the app is progressing in the terms of user interface, but I see this kind of progress as a group action. I mean, facebook's layouts are either being a threat for app developers in a positive competitive way or a negative bling follow way. I am saying this because, our university (Newcastle University) started developing apps for the students and staff for various uses for which they totally took the facebook app layout and did not impress the students. Even a local newspaper company (Dinamalar) in my current city (Chennai) made a similar app which reminds faceboook's app.

I wish every social media have their unique way of user interface. In that context I like twitter's constant upgrade and unique layout. 


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