Friday, March 14, 2014

Those Over-sharing fellas - #LetsSocialize

Hey fellas, Let's Socialize,

What will I be talking about in here on Let's Socialize ? 
I will talk about the socially active and socially awkward topics.

So the widely known categories for social behaviors as we know are the 
  • Socially Active
  • Socially Awkward and 
  • The Over-sharing fellas  
I understand the active ones and the awkward ones (cos I am both sometimes) but I do not understand the over-sharing fellas. I am talking real life and social media life. We have to face it, the social media life is a part of our real lives now. For good and for bad.

Sometimes its really funny when people over-share every single event of their life. No matter how awesome or sad their lives are, it might end up funny. For instance, 'the joke is on you' moment. When someone who understood something wrong, so found it funny and laughs at it by sharing his/her thoughts to the ENTIRE world. Hahahaha ! That never seizes to amuse me.

"Hahaha, my brother thinks Indians are Asians too"
If your brother cared for you, he might delete all your social media accounts. HA HA !

Also when someone shares something that is too personal, I feel really sad for you. I am not kidding. This is not sad unless you have social media connections only with your close friends and family, which I am sure is a big NO. Now, why do you want to share your new curtains in your bathroom ? No one would like to see your bathroom from 10 different angles.

I know what you are thinking, we can keep talking about this with millions of examples.
So, if you guys feel annoyed with some over-sharing friends share some funny posts you've seen in the comments below. Remember to keep it funny. There are over-sensitive fellas among us and we don't want to send them into their rooms and lock themselves up. Be nice.



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I will appreciate if you fellas leave a comment below. 

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