Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Midnight Run - #LetsGetEntertained

Hey fellas, Let's Get Entertained.

What will I be talking about in here on Let's Get Entertained ?
I will talk about the Entertainment part of the universe. 

Today I am going way back and gonna talk about the classic movie 'Midnight Run'. Not only because I have to talk about Robert De Niro's movies here but also because I recently watched the movie on TV and it was still like watching it for the first time.

Its a movie about a bounty hunter, an accountant, the FBI, another bounty hunter and ofcourse the Mafia.

Btw I just want to clarify whether do all Italian Mafia names end with an 'O' ? 
Serrano, Kattano, DeVito, Cicero, MARIO ? Just wondering.

One of my favorite movies which I like for its screenplay. According to me a movie with a good screenplay is that, if you write about the story of the movie or narrate the story to someone, its only 1/10th of how the movie is actually being projected. In other words, a movie with a simpler storyline can be made very much more than that by its screenplay. Well, Midnight Run is the best example.

And, Robert De Niro - I don't have to tell you fellas how much of an actor is in proportion with this guy. He wasn't the Jason Stathom in his time with rock hard muscles all around the body but just the fierce grim on his face with ofcourse a hint of cursing would make anyone feel threatened. And here in this movie, the fact that he made us laugh with all those fierce mannerism is beyond what could be explained about him.

The opposite role to De Niro played by Charles Grodin (Duke the accountant) might have been played by Robin Williams, Bruce Willis or even Cher. Well we'll keep to our imagination. But truth be told, Grodin did a great job.

So, if I had to spoil this movie for you, I have to narrate the entire movie. I think thats the most relevant compliment I could lay on this movie.
If you haven't watched it yet, just go watch it.


P.S - If at all someone out there is following my blog 'regularly' I apologize for posting a little late that it should be and my posts might also disappear suddenly cos I am a little busy with work these days. I ll try to keep up. Thanks to blogger app on my phone. 

And today I started using my legal name Saravanan Pitchai Pandiyan, Saravanan being my first name, in all the social media possible. There are many reasons for that. 
1. My first name is the most common name from where I come from. 
2. I don't want to be confused with anyone else, socially or professionally.
3. Ofcourse I will want myself to be able to google my full name in the future and find something interesting. 


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