Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Walking Dead S04 (Before Season Finale) - #LetsGetEntertained

Hey fellas, Let's Get Entertained,   I know its a little late :^{ 

What will I be talking about in here on Let's Get Entertained ?
I will talk about the Entertainment part of the universe. 

I wanted to talk about The Walking Dead S04 so badly after episode 14. If you don't remember, its the Look at the flowers episode. Best line of the season. Hahahaha ! 

pic source:

First of all I really want to know whether I am the only one who thinks that they are building up the stories in many episodes for the finale ? We clearly know some firing and biting are gonna happen in the Terminus and most of the new characters might die. 

I still like The Walking dead as much as I liked it in the first season but why am I rarely in the edge of my seats these days ? Do you feel otherwise ? You still think there are as many crisp moments in this season as it used to be in the previous seasons ? 

Some might feel that the long talks that the characters are having in this season as boring, but I find em as some essential drama. 

So there is Rick, Caaaarl and Michonne who finally has more lines; 
Daryl and the 'Claimed' gang; Kidnapped Beth; 
'Look at the flowers' Carol and Tyrese;
Glenn united with Maggie + Tara and the new gang with the scientist guy who looks soooo much like a walker food to me. (Says the walker part of my brain).

So overall, this season was a bit slow but still interesting. Could've been better to be honest. But still I can't wait for the Terminus Finale. And why did it say "The End is here" in the 'On the next The Walking dead' ? This is not the series finale. Ain't it ? 

Caaaaaaaaarl ! Arrrrrrrghhhh ! 



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