Monday, March 31, 2014

Winter is Coming, Oh wait. No - #LetsSeeWhatsHappening

Hey fellas, Let's See What's Happening.

What will I be talking about in here on Let's See What's Happening?
 I will talk about topics like news and other stuff that I feel I must talk about.

Feeling hot this summer and can't wait for it to be over ? Well the worst is yet to come as always. Not immediately though. But for certain, eventually. Everyone on planet earth has talked about climatic issues atleast once now. Me too. But what are the problems can we actually guess that could occur in the future days ? 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN group that summerizes periodically on climate science recently summerized their report in Yokohama, Japan. This actually pointed out the very much possible effects that could occur in future days due to climatic changes. My point here is, we know every single outcome, but we never agreed to accept. 

Before I say anything, I want to emphasise on the cause of all these catastrophic outcomes - us, Humans. The worst part is the majority of the victims of the outcomes are the ones who is not even remotely causing it. The poor countries. 

Even though this issue concerns every one in this planet, we always leave it to the "concerned" panels to talk about it and we assume they are talking about mars. 

If we, the accused common public are to have a chit chat about this over a coffee, what are the worst would we discuss about ?
Water scarcity ? 
More hurricane ? 

We shouldn't overthink. The outcomes have already been rehearsed in the past events by nature. 

1. The sea ice is melting, causing people to relocate, which causes economical disruptions. 

2. How will farmers work with increasing heat that disturbs everything that is related to agriculture. 

3. The basis of ecosystem itself could be disturbed when animals get fed up and move to other places. 

4. The fossil matter that were here before us, are now meting and decaying to become greenhouse gases. More free heat. Hurray ! (Ok this is not that simple. I read about it too) But still it seems simple enough that we could've understood this in school. 
So basically, economic disaster is one of the leading issue we all are concerned about. Not a complaint. It is Ofcourse excruciating because what else other than money could help in reconnaissance ? 
Everything caused by the climatic changes like, death, increase in poverty, geographic disaster, etc., will all lead to hitting the major factor - Economy. 

It's interesting that we don't see the obvious outcomes. The intergovernmental panel also cited the fact about a World bank estimation of $100 Billion needed per year for poor countries to offset the effects. Would you believe that number ? "Yes", I hear. Me too. 

But there is always a catch. It is said that, there are certain rich countries who disagree on the estimation and think it wouldn't be as worse as expected. And that I can't believe. Even a 12 year old in Boy Scout knows to Prepare for the Worst. 

Well I think the simplest things we, the accused public can do, can make changes. 
Simple, plant a tree. Or Atleast don't take one down. Don't waste water. Don't litter. 
Don't exist (no no just kidding). You wouldn't anyways (hahaha again just kidding) 

Go Green ! (Ofcourse I can say that. I have stopped all the paper bills i receive and subscribed to e-bills) 

I think it is so ironic to use the phrase "Winter is coming" as metaphor here. (Game of Thrones joke) 



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